This year's meeting dates... |
Brian Beavis brought a small motor tricycle, Morot Cycle and Sidecar, an F1 Racing Car, the set 8701 truck with his own-design Articulated Trailer, and an evolution set 8210 Helicopter, while wife Bridget showed a set 6350 Radio-controlled car. Tony Brown displayed a range of Rabbids Winter Olympics and a radio-controlled car. Our youngest member Robbie Elliott had a Lego Technique telescopic mobile crane, a motorcycle set, and two own-design models - a buggy and a safe!
David Fawkes showed an own-design rack saw bench, and Kelvin Freeman had a modified set 9 clockwork articulated truck and a beam engine. Ron Frith's models were an evolution set pickup truck and a set 8210 helicopter, together with two 'Mogul' Meccano models - a mobile train and a tractor/digger. Tony Homden showed us a range of meccano aeroplane models, to wit; an Italian Caprioni biplane, a 1919 Briston four-engine triplane, and two 'Germans' - a Junkers Ju50 seaplane and a Junkers Ju52 three-engine monoplane. Our other Tony, Mr. James, displayed a chassis for a multi-wheeled Skania truck, together with some parts and sets for sale. Christopher Kemp showed the first stage of 'Castle Meccano' based on Conisburgh Castle, while Bob Limb had a modified 1954-1962 set 10 Motor Cycle engine, and Clive Parsons had a trackmaster bulldozer, with brother Martin giving us a hand-operated rail trolley.
Tony Rednall had a 'Thingumabob' Mark II, together with parts and sets for sale, and Dennis had a supermodel LSM 19 steam shovel. Bernard Shaw was offering for sale a table full of Meccano-related literature and folders, and Bill Tickle showed a nickel Caterpillar D-8 bulldozer. Finally, Chris Turnbull displayed an LSM level-luffing automatic grabbing crane, with Roger Upson-Smith displaying a set 1085 Big Ben together with a set 8705 radio-controlled car.
For other events, please see the events calendar for 2014.
There have been no special events since the last meeting.
Ipswich Library
There is still nothing definite arranged.
Springfields Centre, Spalding, Saturday and Sunday, 26th and 27th April, 10am - 5pm
Hornby/Meccano exhibition
Colne Valley Railway, Sunday 25th May
We expect to be invited to exhibit again this year. Confirmation will be given at the next club meeting.
Leiston Long Shop Museum
We were unsuccessful in getting a model railway club to join us in April, but a joint meeting with the Hornby Collectors Club has been organised for Fathers Day, Sunday 15th June.
S. Norfolk DC Offices, Long Stratton, Sunday 13th July
We expect to be invited again this year. Confirmation will be given at the next club meeting.
Cheddar's Lane Pumping Station, Cambridge
Dennis has arranged a display for Sunday 5th October. Spaces will be available in the exhibition hall, joining with a model railway club.
Voting slips were distributed, and there was a tie between Bob Limb's motor cycle engine and Chris Turnbull's level luffing crane! Dennis will send their certificates with their meeting reports.
Michael Whiting said that for personal reasons he is giving up Meccano, but he will keep in touch with the club. Bernard Shaw also said that he has had to give up the hobby due to health reasons.
The accounts for last year can be viewed here.
This will be on Saturday 10th May from 11am to 3pm. Bring your lunch, drinks provided.
Brian Beavis left Earth's atmosphere by bringing two 1997 Space X-Plorer sets, a Space Base, five Space Defender Units and some parts for sale, while Robbie Elliott brought an own design Truck under construction, with David Fawkes showing a Reciprocating Steam Engine. Ron Frith's models were 1990's "Pocket Money" sets Tractor, Racing Car, Low Loader Tractor Unit, Dragster, Excavator, two Helicopters, Motor Cycle and Sidecar, High Wing Monoplane, 2006/7 Dual Motor Set and last but not least a C Q Meccanograph, plus sets for sale. Tony Homden showed the Liverpool Ferry Boat Royal Iris of the Mersey, and Tony James displayed a 10 wheel Heavy Recovery Vehicle, plus again some parts and sets for sale.
Chris Kemp showed an own design Humpback Bridge and Raymond Massingham's contribution was a Supamodel 32 Twin Cylinder Steam Engine, with wife Margaret showing a Funicular Railway. Tony Parmee had a display of nickel models - 6.32 Watt's Beam Engine, 6.38 Revenge Class Battleship, Lighthouse, Eiffel Tower, Wright Bros. Aeroplane, Open-top Bus and a Topliss Level-luffing Crane. Clive Parsons displayed an own design Ride-on Lawnmower, while his brother Martin's model was an own design Falland Military Hover Stretcher. Tony Rednall once again had sets and parts for sale,
while Dennis Remnant had a 2003 Design 1 Motor Cycle.
Bill Tickle brought a Tracked Excavator based on a Ruston Bucyrus machine, and Chris Turnbull displayed an LSM Level Luffing Automatic Grabbing Crane with a Lifting Magnet. Roger Upson-Smith showed a Miniature Locomotive, an Action Pack Dragster, a Design Starter Microlite, and still on an aeronautical theme, a "Red Arrows" Display. Stuart Had an Andreas Konkoly High Speed Steam Engine, a Set 6 Fairground Ride, a Supamodel 17 Planing Machine, and an own design Santapod Racer.
Bicker Village Hall, Sunday 16th March.
Brian Beavis and Dennis R. represented TEAMS.
Springfields Centre, Spalding, Saturday and Sunday 26th and 27th April.
Kelvin, Tony H. and Dennis R. attended.
Museum of Lincolnshire Life, Saturday and Sunday 1st and 2nd March.
Dennis exhibited, and Michael Whiting took Meccano jigsaw puzzles.
Ipswich Library
There is still nothing definite arranged.
Colne Valley Railway, Sunday 25th May.
This should be a good day, with about four members booked to go.
Leiston Long Shop Museum, Sunday 15th June.
We were unsuccessful in getting a Model Railway Club to join us in April, but a joint meeting with The Hornby Collectors Club has been organised for Father's Day.
South Norfolk District Council Offices, Long Stratton, Sunday 13th July.
We have been invited again this year. I hope we will give as good a showing as in 2013.
Hethel Engineering Centre, Saturday 6th September, 10.00 am to 5.00 pm.
This will be a public exhibition, held jointly with the Diss and District Model Railway Society. More information will be available at the next meeting.
Cheddar's Lane Pumping Station, Cambridge, Sunday 5th October.
Spaces will be available in the exhibition hall, joining with a model railway club. Try to bring along something for children's "hands on".
Voting slips were distributed and the winner was Tony Homden's Mersey Ferry. Dennis presented him with a certificate signed by the Chairman and Secretary. The runner-up was Margaret Massingham's Funicular Railway.
An invitation has been received from Halesworth and District Model Engineers to join them in an exhibition at Pakefield, Lowestoft on Saturday and Sunday, 25th and 26th October. 25th October is the date of TEAMS meeting, but that could possibly be brought forward to the 18th. This will be raised at the next club meeting.
The next meeting will be on Saturday, 9th August, 2014, 11.00 am - 3.00 pm. Put it in your diary. Bring your lunch, drinks will be provided. Wives, family members and friends all welcome.
Brian Beavis brought the Robot Wars Space Chaos Dark Pirates Set 7104, Ditto Set 6102, Space Chaos Silver Force Set 4100A, and Ditto Set 7101, while wife Bridget had a Radio Controlled Racing Car Set 6350 plus some tins and parts for sale. Kelvin Freeman displayed six Red Arrows on a rotating stand. Tony Homden showed a 'Wallace and Gromit' Footballers and what we think may be a Cricket Bowler! Tony James displayed his Coles Hydra 10t Lorry Mounted Crane as well as parts and sets for sale.
Chris Kemp showed an own design Eiffel Tower adapted from early Meccano models, and Bob Limb had a Scammell Mechanical Horse and Trailer. Tony Parmee had a Set 6.38 Revenge Class Battleship in nickel, with modifications plus the 1953 Set 7 Exploding Ship and Submarine. Martin Parsons exhibited a number of models from very early Manuals' models - a seesaw roundabout, a motor van, railway signal, miniature differential gear, futuristic railway carriage and finally a live steam tractor and trailer. Tony Rednall had a 'Thingamajig'' under construction, and Dennis Remnant had a 2001 Multi Models/Motion System set 5510 model 4 monoplane. Bill Tickle showed an International Farmall Rowcrop Tractor, and Stuart Ward had a high speed horizontal steam engine, a four speed gear box, a humber mk1 armoured car and a 1903 clement talbot motor car plus an A A Marianis 1930's racing motor cycle.
Colne Valley Railway - Sunday, 25th May
Those who attended had a good time, and a lot of interest in the models.
Long Shop Museum, Leiston (with the Hornby Collectors' Club) Sunday, 15th June
A good show with a lot of interest shown
South Norfolk District Council Offices, Long Stratton, Sunday 13th July
Had quite a lot of visitors, but were a bit out on a limb. If invited next year, we would like a better location
Hethel Engineering Centre, Saturday, 6th September, 10.00 am to 5.00 pm
We were badly let down by the Diss and District Model Railway Society, but the Hornby Collectors Club have stepped into the breach. We are looking to a good turnout. Dennis had produced a poster, which was passed round the meeting. Nearer the time, help in distributing this around the neighbourinq villages will be appreciated.
Cheddar's Lane Pumping Station, Cambridge, Sunday, 5th October
Spaces will be available 1n the exhibition hall, joining with a model railway club. Try to bring along something for children's "hands on".
An invitation had been received to attend and exhibit at Pakefield High School, Lowestoft on 25th and 26th After consideratlon, it was agreed that the date and times were not practicable.
Voting slips were distributed and the winner was Tony James' Coles Crane. Joint runners up were Tony Homden's Wallace and Gromit and Chris Kemp's Eiffel Tower.
Some discussion took place regarding the time to finish the meeting. It was agreed to continue with the current time, but to delay the business part until 2 p.m.
The next meeting will take place on Saturday 25th October from 11 am until 3 pm, usual notices apply.
Brian brought a "Tiny Tots" Roundabout, a Radio-Controlled Jeep, an Evolution Set Helicopter, a Radio-Controlled Truck with a Low Loader Trailer, and parts for sale, whereas Tony Brown showed a small Marklin solar powered Monoplane, Erector "Yard Engine" and "Coal Gondola" plus the Set 10 Lifting Shovel. Robbie Elliott's model was a 1930's Sports Car. David Fawkes had a Fork Lift Truck on show, and Ron Frith displayed a Meccano Magazine Eight Wheeled Steam Wagon, a "Landmark Set" Eiffel Tower and Empire State Building. Tony Homden showed his Wallace and Gromit "Wrong Trousers" and "Jumbo Generator" as well as a "Flying Flea" Miniature Aeroplane and a 15 model MultiModel set for sale.
Tony James displayed the Modelplan 209 - Heavy Recovery Vehicle, plus parts and sets for sale, while Chris Kemp showed us Phase Two of Castle Meccano, based on Conisburgh Castle in Yorkshire. Bob Limb had a 4-4-0 Southern Railway Schools Class Locomotive "Repton" on show, and we also saw a Meccano Magazine Trevithick Locomotive, the Modelplan 187 Car Transporter as well as going afloat with a Passenger and Cargo Liner. Tony Parmee had a Contra-Rotating Big Wheel with stop/start mechanism, and Clive Parsons displayed a self designed Horizontal Steam Engine. Martin Parsons showed a Hook's Coupling, Perpetual Motion Machine, a Unicyclist and a Hand-Cranked Generator, while Maurice Rednall brought his Chronometer Detent Escapement.
Tony Rednall and Maurice had a display of sets and parts for sale, plus a set of various circular parts for illustration purposes. Dennis Remnant had a 2001 Motion System Set, and the 8540 Model 16 Elephant. Bill Tickle showed a Fork Lift Truck and Stuart Ward had a High Speed Horizontal Steam Engine, a Four Speed Gear Box, Humber MK1 Armoured Car, 1903 Clement Talbot Motor Car, and finally the A A Marianis 1930's Racing Motor Cycle.
Hethel Engineering Centre Saturday, 6th September
We had a good turnout, and the Hornby Collectors' Club also put on a good show. The exhibition was reported, with photographs, in the Eastern Daily Press, Attleborough Mercury and Diss Mercury.
Cheddar's Lane Pumping Station, Cambridge Sunday 5th October
We met in the Sea Scouts Hall, and the model railway clubs were in the next building. Howard Somerville of MWMO joined us, and there was one local man with a Meccano model. We have received a letter of thanks from the organisers. There were about 200 visitors, and an article in the local paper mentioned the 'amazing Meccano’. They hope to have a similar event next year.
We have an invitation from the Forncett Steam Museum. We will have to visit the site sometime to see the practicalities and arrange a date.
Poringland Wanderers Football Club "Gig and Sparks in the Park 2". 27th June, 2015, 1.00 pm to 10.30 pm. We would be expected to commit ourselves till about 6.00 pm.
South Norfolk District Council, Long Stratton, 12th? July, 2015. We expect to be invited again, but will require a more accessible location.
Strumpshaw Model & Miniature Show, 15th? August, 2015. We are invited to join in with our Meccano next year. There will be more details at the next meeting.
Voting slips were distributed and the winner was Tony Homden's "Flying Flea" Aeroplane.. Runner up was Tony Parmee's Big Wheel.
We had to get these dates booked early because the Village Hall bookings diary was getting filled. Dates are:
14th February, 9th May, 8th August, 24th October.
Great Eastern Models in Plumstead Road, Norwich (opposite Aldi) are selling off all their remaining Meccano at £1 per packet. The webmaster can confirm that these packs are good value! Most is metal (made in France) but there is some plastic Meccano as well. Incidentally they are also looking to buy model railway sets and parts.