Welcome to the Starman home page! The main focus here is (surprise surprise) astronomy. I have been interested in the sky ever since the age of 5
and at the time of writing in exactly one week from now I am going to be a pensioner. My main interest is variable stars, and especially erratic variables.
I run the Young Stellar Objects group of the AAVSO (American Association of Variable Star Observers), an international group of both amateur and professional astronomers.
In 2002 I was awarded a grant from NASA to attend an astrophysics workshop on the big island of Hawai'i where I developed another obsession - volcanoes.
But I have lots of other interests which include languages (my honours degree is in Linguistics, not astronomy, and I am interested in creating languages,
the main one of which you can get a taste of on the Lingo page!), music (mainly classical), football (I am a keen Spurs fan) and many other things.
I have written a book on astronomy with binoculars but you can also use the link below to go to the online version where you can query a database
to show whatever class of sky object interests you. The HEA button takes you to a description of the Hawai'i workshop,
or you can find out a bit more about me and what I do astronomically as well.